Tuesday 13 November 2012

Media Script Take 1

Second Draft of Media Script.
1, A car park next to a main road, surrounded by office type buildings 9:00AM.
The camera tracks along the front of a large grey building, zooming in on the peeling paintwork and the fading lettering on the front door.
Diegetic sound of high heeled shoes on pavement, a shot of the same feet walking, a smart, business looking woman walks into the building.
[To receptionist, well-spoken tone] Good morning Mrs Greenford.
The receptionist looks up from her paperwork, immediately putting her papers aside and looking at her computer, then turning to smile at the business woman.
Good morning Amanda, would you like me to fax your days appointments to your office?
[Smiling and nodding slightly] Yes, that would be excellent, thank you.
She walks down the corridor into an office, sits down at her desk and begins to scribble down a few notes on a piece of paper that is on her desk.
The camera returns to the front of the building where once more there is a diegetic sound of shoes, this time scuffing along the floor slightly, a man of around twenty one walks up to the building. Zoom in on his name badge, which reads ‘Ryan.’
[Grins cheerfully] Hey! Uh…
He peers at her name badge, which reads ‘Melody Greenford.’
[Peers down her glasses at him, the camera changes to give her a power shot] That is… MRS Greenford to you, Mr Valo.
[Smile fades] Good morning, Mrs Greenford.
[Frowning] That is much better. You’ve got some reports that need to be filed [emphasis] IN alphabetical order this time; this will of course be the THIRD AND FINAL TIME.
She then turns away from him and picks up the phone, smirking slightly, and then suddenly becoming more upbeat.
Why hello there Angela, how wonderful to hear from you!
RYAN shakes his head and walks into a small room to the left of the receptionist’s desk.
There are some shots of inside the building, of someone cleaning the floor, some people sat in a waiting room and some other general shots.
The camera tracks along the building, once more, diegetic sounds of more footsteps, then a long shot of a man of around twenty five, clad in a dress shirt, black jeans and converse, walking into the building.
The camera zooms in on the receptionist’s face, paying particular interest in the sudden change in her attitude and obvious change of her facial expression.
Good morning Jon!
[Teasing Her] Hey Mrs Greenford, hard morning at the office?
[Dramatically] Ah! Only that utter buffoon of an assistant of yours!
[Sighs] Cut him some slack, he’s only young. Give him time, no doubt he’s in over his head for the time being, he’ll soon get the hang of it.
[Purses her lips, seemingly unimpressed] Still, he should-
[Interrupts her, smiling apologetically] Well, it has been lovely, talking to you, but I really must get some work done.
[A bit flustered, clearly not used to being talked to like that] Oh yes, of course, I’ll email you your appointments.
JON nods in response, then walks down the corridor, stopping at a door, and then poking his head round the door before walking into the room and leaning against the doorframe, where RYAN is sat at a desk, as JON walks into the room, he is on his phone, and upon seeing him, he hurriedly puts it back in his pocket, when he sees who it is, he is clearly relieved.
[Dramatically puts his hand on his chest] For god’s sake, do you have to creep up on me like that? I thought it was her coming to ‘inspect’ my working process again!
[When he says ‘inspect’ he turns his hands into inverted commas and has a sarcastic expression.]
[Smirking] Ah, sorry man, I had no idea you were so.. On edge.
Hey, catch any of the game last night?
Yeah, pitiful. You joining me for lunch?
[Shrugs] Yeah, sure.

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